Real-time card battle on hand. OberonSaga!
Easy rule by rock-scissors-paper rule and various strategy with various Strategy Card
Enhanced strategic component by various item cards and magic cards
Full-frame action animation battle
150 kinds various monster illustration
Real-time multiplayer battle with users over the world
Various battle types as AI, Normal, Ladder and Boss Battle.
Strategic battle with 3 dominant attributes as Fire, Water, Wood
[Upgrade & Evolution]
Upgrade: HP & ATK increased
Evolution: Appearance change and Skill enhancing and adding
[Card Trade]
Real-time card trade system among users
The War Era
Created world of chaotic ancient times, all the creations were formed with the elements of fire/water/wood.
Unable to coexist, these three elements conflict caused endless battle for their survival.
The battle lasted for thousand years and finally reached the Apocalypse.
The birth of cards by the king Oberon
To protect the world from the Apocalypse, The great sorcerer Oberon created spell that can seal the lives into the second dimension. During the battle of the last day, Oberons spell successfully seal all the warriors into one small card.
After brining peace to the world, Oberon became the King and trained summoners who can control the power of the card with sealed warriors.
The challenge of succeeding the throne
Over the thousand years, King Oberon kept the world in peace but worried the misuse of cards power after his death. He decided to give the throne to the summoner who wins the challenge.